hind ibn abi hala description of the prophet

On another occasion, the Prophet (saas) said: Water was created pure and nothing makes it impure except that which changes its color, taste and smell.150, Some of the Prophet (saas)s finer traits. Shamaa-il Tirmidhi, Islamic Book Service Publications, New Delhi, 2000, p. 362, 127. His mubarak face shone like the full moon. The seal of Prophethood was situated between his shoulders. Baraa bin Aazib (Radiallahu anhu) relates that: Rasullullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) was a man of a medium build, (slightly tall, as explained before); he had broad shoulders (from which we may gather that he had a wide chest); he had dense hair which reached his ear-lobes; he wore a red striped lungi (a cloth worn around the legs) and shawl. He eventually became the fourth Caliph of Islam. We hope to help Muslims around the world to benefit from the unique blessings of this extraordinary design. Islam and Christianity, The Superior Morality and Habits of Hadrat Muhammad (saas), http://www.hizmetbooks.org/ Islam_and_Christianity/10.htm, 136. 108. This type of word is used in the Arabic language for connecting words, but because no special quality or attribute is derived, some Muhadditheen (scholars of hadeeth) are of the opinion that if the letter `Jeem' has a fatah (zabar) on it, it means something that is between straight and bent. Anas (Radiallahu Anhu) reports: Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) was neither tall nor was he short (like a dwarfHe was of medium stature). She was born in Mecca, probably the fifth of their six children. If someone were to sit with him or come in search of a favor he would be patient with them until they (the guest) would be the one to leave. He did not interrupt anyone speaking until that person had himself come to an end by either speaking or getting up from where he was sitting. When talking a light seemed to sparkle from the teeth. (Hazrath Anas) His noble habit was to look at something with a slight glance. He was a last of all prophets. His chest and stomach were in line, but his chest was broad and wide. He had little flesh on his heels.. Half-siblings. And he relieved the people of three: He would not degrade any among them or abuse them, he would not search after their honor or private matters, and he would not speak except in matters which he hoped to be rewarded for. THE PHYSICAL APPEARANCE OF THE PROPHET . They would not vie with one-another in his presence to speak, but when one would talk in his presence the rest would listen until he finished. His hair reached his shoulders.103. "Hasan ibn Ali reported: "I asked my maternal uncle, Hind ibn Abi Hala, who was skilled in describing features (wassaf), about the beautiful description (hilya) of the Messenger of Allah . I desired for him to describe some of his features to me so I could cherish and hold on to them." On his perfect countenance were a well-proportioned head, curved eyebrows, a long nose and an oval face. In the famous description of Hind ibn Abi Hala, "He was dignified and awe inspiring, radiant like the radiance of the moon on the night it is full" (Tirmidhi in Shama'il, Bayhaqi, Tabarani, and Ibn Sa'd) Unidentified 'Flashing' Light from the Sky He was the sweetest in talk among his companions. Hind ibn Abu Halah's (ra) Description of the Prophet (saw) Yasrab Shah Context: This most comprehensive description of the Messenger of Allah (saw) is taken from Imam at-Tirmidhi's (rh) ash-Shama'il an-Nabawiyyah (The Prophetic Traits) and Qadhi 'Iyadh's (rh) ash-Shifa' (The Healing). If he visited a gathering he would sit wherever the group ended (and not at their head) and he encouraged the same. He did not speak without cause. He spoke with his full mouth (was not arrogant), and spoke concisely. He was not severe, harsh-hearted, loud, abusive, or miserly. He would not speak unnecessarily. He was a last of all prophets.80 Abu Nadrah (ra) says: I asked Abu Saeed Khudari (ra) about the Seal of Prophethood of Rasulullah (saas) He said: It was a piece of raised flesh that was on Rasulullah (saas)s back.81, The place between his shoulders were wide and therein there was impression or seal of Prophethood inclined a little towards the right shoulder.82. Abdul-Rahim Reasat . His manners were fine. Established in 1993, Muslim Hands is an aid agency and NGO helping those affected by poverty, conflict and natural disaster in over 20 countries worldwide. White but wholesome. (Abu Tufail) His Physical Description Al-Hasan asked Hind ibn Abi Hala to describe the Prophet . He spoke with his full mouth (was not arrogant), and spoke concisely. When someone talked in front of him, they kept quiet until he had finished. In reality there is no difference between the two hadeeth, as the hair does not remain the same length but grows. He would not rise nor sit down without praise [to God]. He used to keep silent for long and not talk without necessity. Parted in the middle. (Hind bin Abi Hala) COMMENTARY. 148 Gregory Boulevard, Nottingham, NG7 5JE. The Arabic word hilya appears in chapter 1, hadith 8 of the Imam al-Tirmidhis Al-Shamail al-Muhammadiyya. Ali bin Abi Talib: said: while describing the Prophet (may the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) he would say: He was not extremely tall (Mummaghit), nor was he extremely short (Mutaraddid), and he was of medium height in relation to the people. Zainab bint MUHAMMAD 598-629. A vein protruded between the two parts which became more prominent in anger. (Hind bin Abi Hala), Color: But the final fate of the disbelievers is the Fire. His describer says: I have never seen the like of him (Allah bless him and give him peace), neither before him nor after him. (Shamail Tirmidhi), It is related from Jaabir (Radiallahu anhu) that he said: I once saw Rasulullah Sallallahu alayhi Wasallam on the night of a full moon. Data safety. If he gestured, he did so with his whole palm. He had asked his father [i.e. The Prophet (s) was neither tall nor short. His speech was concise, neither excessive nor abridged. However the glitter of a sword has more whiteness than being luminous. Whenever any excess money came to him and if he did not then get anyone to accept it as charity, he did not return home till he gave it to the poor and the needy. He was somewhat taller than medium height and a little shorter than what could be described as tall. By the will of Allah a page has been created to spread authentic Quotes from the Quran and Hadith. He spoke with his full mouth (was not arrogant), and spoke concisely. She was also known by the name Khawla. He was luminous [the parts of his body that could be seen while he was clothed shone a brilliant white]. Ahmed Cevdet Pasa, Qisas al-Anbiya, (Stories of the Prophets) Volume I, Kanaaat Press, Istanbul 1331, p. 364-365, 81. His eye brows were of dense and fine hair , His neck was beautiful and thin, like the neck of a statue shaved clean, the color of which was clear, shining and beautiful like silver. Width between shoulders more than usual. (Hind bin Abi Hala and Bara bin Azib) He said: Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) had a white complexion, which was slightly reddish, and had a medium sized body., COMMENTARY On the Day of Rising, Allah will make firm the feet of a person who conveys to a ruler the need of someone who cannot convey it himself. This was all that was mentioned in his presence and he would only accept this from people. He was slightly taller than a man of middle height, but shorter than a tall person. At the end of this kitaab all three ahaadith will be quoted. Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Part 2, Abridged by Sheikh Muhammad Nasib Ar- Rifai, Al-Firdous ltd., London, p.42, 97. I consult you as you are all knowing, And I seek ability from Your power and I ask you for Your great favor, For you have power, My brothers and sisters everywhere! The hair of Rasullullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) was neither very straight nor very curly (but slightly wavy). He was slightly taller than a man of middle height, but shorter than a tall personHis blessed hair was slightly twisted. However, Muslims have devised many methods to be reminded of the Prophet without using images. Everybody who would pass by the Hilya Sharif would send peace and blessings upon the Prophet . When he walked he walked briskly (Taqalla), he leaned forward as if he was walking on a decline (Sabab). Shamaa-il Tirmidhi, Islamic Book Service Publications, New Delhi, 2000, p. 61. Imam Ghazzalis Ihya ulum-id-din, Volume 2, pp. His companions have handed down a great many details about the Prophet (saas)s manner of dress. He forbade upon himself three things: Argument, arrogance, and that which did not concern him. If the rays of the sun fell on his neck, it appeared like a cup of silver mixed with gold. I did not see anyone walk faster than him, as is the earth folded for him. The Prophet Muhammad (saas) was the only exception to this. HERE are many translated example sentences containing "ABI" - english-hindi translations and search engine for english translations. He would give all those sitting with him their just due [to the extent that] they would each feel that none was more important to him than them. The uncle descirbed the noble features by saying: He had great qualities and attributes in him, others also held him in high estemm. He concerned himself with them and kept them busy doing things that were good for them and the community. Red lines in the white parts, wide sockets, and natural grey corners. (Jabir bin Samra), Nose: His blessed face shone like the full moon. back, It is related from Jaabir (Radiallahu anhu) that he said: I once saw Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) on the night of a full moon. He was always surrounded by his Companions. His hair glossy and black, inclined to curl, he wore long. He did not find fault with nor over-praise people. [2] Family [ edit] In essence, he had a body formed in perfection and uniqueness, and blessed Anyone suddenly seeing him would be consumed with love, and anyone speaking with him would feel great love in his heart and soul. He made salaam to whomsoever he met, COMMENTARY "Whoever brings a good deed (Islmic Monotheism and deeds of obedience to Allh and His Messenger [Peace Be Upon Him]) shall have ten times the like thereof to his credit" {Al-Qur'an 6:160} http://www.facebook.com/pages/ALLAH-U-AKBAR/Words-from-Allah-His-books-and-His-Prophets-peace-be-upon-them/158401674200526, " O Prophet! He was neither rough nor coarse. (Surat al-Baqara: 25). Its members were attached to each other by fear of Allah and were humble. His face was not quite round but inclined to roundness. (Hazrat Ali(R.A)) He would disregard that which he disliked, and no one ever despaired of him. He laughed at what they laughed at and was surprised at what surprised them. He did not hate the poor for their poverty nor fear the kings for their mighty power. And may God bless the best of people, our master, our beloved and our role model, Muhammad and his family and companions, and grant them peace. Voel vry om Wikipedia te help deur dit uit te brei. These three Ambiyaa (Prophets) were described because Sayyidina Musa (Alaihis salaam) and Sayyidina Esa (Alaihis salaam) are the nabis of the Bani Israel and Sayyidina Ebrahim (Alaihis salaam), besides being the great grandfather of Sayyidina Rsulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam), was also accepted by all Arabs. Editor's Choice from Quran and Science. His skin was extremely white, his beard was black, his mouth was pleasant, his eyebrows were long, and his shoulders were wide", "I never touched silk or any soft fabric equal to the softness of his palm, and I never smelled a scent more pleasing than his.". Sayyidina Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) did not have hair on the parts of his body, besides places like the arms and legs etc.) Habit of looking from the corner of the eyes in shyness. (Hind bin Abi Hala) He did not look for praise except to counterbalance something. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Quraysh tribes, however, drew up a plan to kill the Prophet without the fear of reprisal. We developed a design with our friends in the UK, and ran some test print runs. The translation adopted in the description of the eyes has been taken from accepted sayings. He used to take one fifth of what easily came to him out of dates and wheat. He began and ended what he said correctly [with full expression]. Encyclopedia Britannica " Prophet Muhammad's letters to Emperor Heraclius, Chosroes II, Muqawqis, Negus, Governor of Syria and Ruler of Bahrain. Flashcards. When the hair of the prophet was abundant, it used to pass over his ear- lobes). His neck was like that of a statue made of pure silver. Fatimah bint MUHAMMAD 604-632. When one first looked at him, it seemed as if he had a large nose, but looking at it carefully showed that the lustre and beauty made it look large, otherwise in itself the nose was not large.. Thick, sometimes touching ear lobes and sometimes reaching upto shoulders.- (Bara bin Azib) He had dense and fine hair on his eye brows. His eyelashes were long. He was not very pallid nor dark. He said: I am the greatest orator among the Arabs.116 Those who described him would say: I have never seen before or after him anyone similar to him, peace be upon him . His blessed hair had four plaits.87, The grooming of the Prophet (saas)s hair and beard. The one who tried to describe him would have to say: I have not seen before him or after him anyone who resembles him. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. If he visited a gathering he would sit wherever the group ended (and not at their head) and he encouraged the same. Whoever came to him with a request was never turned away except with that which they had asked for or with a kind word. He never became angry for his own self nor sought retribution for himself. We sometimes think that our particular version of Islam is better than others and unfortunately we can sometimes be quite narrow-minded. Prior to her marriage to the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in 4 Hijri, she was married to Abu Salma (Abdullah) bin Abdul Asad who was also an early . Praise be to Allah, the All-Powerful, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise, the All-Generous, the Noble, the Compassionate Lord, the One who revealed the Wise Remembrance and the Glorious Qur'an to the Envoy, whom He sent to convey the Right Religion and the Straight Path. On the authority of al-Hasan ibn Ali (ra) who said, I asked my maternal uncle Hind ibn Abu Halah [ra] about the description of the Messenger of Allah (saw) since he was wont and fully capable to describe them. Hind bint Awf ( Arabic: ) was a mother-in-law twice of Muhammad. Maliks Muwatta Hadith, Volume 49, Number1, 69. Both are reconciled thus: His habit was to look down towards the ground, but he also waited for the wahi (revelation), therefore while waiting he often looked towards the sky. Part of the reports that was narrated in describing the Messenger of God: The mother of Ma`bad Al-Khuza`iyya said in describing the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, to her husband, when he passed by her tent while migrating: a man with obvious beauty and cleanliness, a glowing countenance, and a good appearance/disposition, with no bulging stomach disgracing him, or a small head disparaging him, he is overtly handsome and wholly beautiful, his eyes are wide and very white and black with long eyelashes whose voice is devoid Of hoarseness, his neck is long with full beard. His teeth were thin and bright. Anas bin Malik (ra) tells us the following: Rasulullah (saas) used to mingle with us and joke.124. In order to understand the message of Islam, it is first necessary to acquaint ourselves with the prophet of Islam. The description of the hair of Sayyidina Rasullullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) in this hadeeth is different one mentioned before. Ibn Hindu. The palms of his hands and the soles of his feet were thickset. If he became angry he turned away, and when he was happy he lowered his gaze. Tirmidhi in Shama'il, Bayhaqi, Tabarani, and ibn Sa'd.] Ibn 'Abbas described how he saw light shining from between his front teeth. Those who described him would say: 'I have never seen before or after him anyone similar to him, peace be upon him' ", As-salaamu alaykum. Umm Kulthum bint MUHAMMAD 603-630. His mubarak head was moderately large. It is impossible to accurately describe actual beauty and elegance of Sayyidina Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam). Shamaa-il Tirmidhi, Islamic Book Service Publications, New Delhi, 2000, p. 115. In order to understand the message of Islam, it is first necessary to acquaint ourselves with the prophet of Islam. On that night he wore red clothing. He was a master and a commander. He said, "The Messenger was imposing and majestic. Though there are many versions of the Hilya Sharif, in general they all include the following elements: The central disc of the Hilya Sharif, with the four smaller discs around it, The basmala, often translated as In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate at the top, A large central disc, typically containing the description of the Prophet found in hadith 7 of the Shamail, Four smaller discs containing the names of the four rightly-guided caliphs, A verse of the Quran containing a description of the Prophet , often verse 21:107 or 68:4, below the discs, The remainder of the text of hadith 7 of the Shamail at the bottom, followed by prayers and blessings upon the Prophet . He would not, however, treat them better than those more worthy than them. The ulama say that he used the phrase `face of the earth because Sayyidina Esa (Alaihis salaam) is also from the ones who had seen Sayyidina Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam), and is present in the skies (heavens). His messages had a great effect on people, and everyone took great pleasure in talking with him. He did not get angry because of it. If I were asked to describe his feature, I would not be able to do so because I have never caught a full glimpse of his face.. . Bismi'llahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Rahim. He asked her: "Where you have got this from . If you wish to read more about the love of the Sahabah (Radiallahu Anhummale and femalefor Sayyidina Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) read Chapter Eight of my book `Stories of the Sahabah (Radiallahu Anhum). It is reported from Ali (Radiallahu Anhu): Rasullullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam was neither very tall nor very short. The highest of them in stature with him was the best among them in looking after the people and assisting them. He spoke with his full mouth (was not arrogant), and spoke . Portion between shoulders fleshy. (Hazrath Ali) In one of his Shamail classes earlier this year, Shaykh Mohammed Aslam discussed the significance of this traditional design: "It was from the practice of the early Muslims, that they would frame the Hilya Sharif and put it up in their homes, and teach it to their children. (This quality is praiseworthy in a man as it denotes strength and courage but is not praiseworthy for a woman). His face shone like the full moon. I saw Esa (Alaihis salaam). For this reason, according to some Ulama, the bets translation will be that he only parted his hair in the middle if it could be easily done, and when this could not be done easily, and a comb etc. Once he finished they would speak. Summary Thaqlain, in collaboration with Al-Hujjah Islamic Seminary, presents "Our Prophet", a comprehensive, informative and engaging series on the life of Prophet Muhammad (s) featuring Sayed Mohammed Baqer al-Qazwini. Besides this line neither the chest nor the stomach had other hair on it. He would encourage that which was good and strengthen it, and he would discourage that which was evil and undermine it. His blessed face shone like the full moon. Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) had a very luminous complexion (colour), and a wide forehead. Change). He exalted all blessings no matter how small and never belittled a single one. Nothing provocative angered him. He did not speak without cause. Ultimately I came to the conclusion that Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) was more handsome, beautiful and more radiant than the full moon., If the illumination in the temple and sanctuary is through the sun and moon, so what. Upon my request, my uncle Hind ibn Abi Hala said: "Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was gallant and glorious by birth. His blessed glance was focused more to the ground than towards the sky. They would not expose one-anothers errors, but would be equal, encouraging each-other in the fear of God. back, Jaabir bin Samurah (Radiallahu anhu) says: Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) had a wide mouth. And he [Ali (ra)] then said in the Hadith of Sufyan ibn Waki [ra], They entered as seekers [seeking decisions or knowledge] and only parted after having tasted something, leaving as guides, i.e. He did not take small steps. When the Prophet (saas) wanted to write to the leaders of foreign states, he ordered a seal-ring to be made. If he entered into his home he was a man like any other; cleaning his own garment, milking his own goat, and serving himself. When he walked, he lifted his legs with vigour, leaned slightly forward and placed his feet softly on the ground. 'Ali Ibn Abi Taalib, may Allaah be pleased with him, said: "The Messenger of Allaah, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, was neither excessively tall nor extremely short. In them, they would respect their elders, be merciful to their children, give preference to those in need, and protect the stranger.". The use of a sentence like: I have not seen anyone like him, is primarily for emphasis. First, that Sayyidina Rasullullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) received nubuwwah (prophethood) at the age of forty and risaalah three years thereafter, and after that he lived for ten years in Makkah Mukaraamah. There was a thin line of hair from the chest to the navel. The Ulama say that Sayyidina (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) walked at the back because of his humbleness. He would not be angry for his own sake or come to his own defence. He had a thin line of hair running from the chest to the navel. He used not to talk evil words and what he talked was just.118, His companions did never dispute before him.120, He used to smile much before his companions121, He spoke in such a way that the words were spaced out so that those who sat with him remembered them.122, I have not seen anyone who makes a person more cheerful than Rasulullah (saas).123. He asked about his Companions [ra] and he asked people how other people were. That chosen Prophet (saas) was shining in appearance. His constitution was the most beatiful. He could hear from a long way off and see further than anyone. Munaawi wrote that every person is required to believe that with whatever physical qualities and attributes of Sayyidina Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) is described, no other person can compare with it. His sign of prophethood was (not on his right hand) but between his shoulder blades. According to this humble servant, if this is applied to his journeys it will be more appropriate. Between his shoulders was the Seal of Prophethood, for he is the Seal of the Prophets. His chest was broad. Pinging is currently not allowed. Some say it means to lift the leg with force. Qurtubi says: The full beauty and elegance of Sayyidina Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) has not been made manifest, otherwise it would not have been possible for man to look at him. Description of Hind bin Abi Hala Allah's Messenger (Allah bless him and give him peace) was constantly sympathetic with sorrows, persistent in thought, having no repose, prolonged in silence. (This is a more respected transaltion). When he spoke, the people sitting with him were as still as if there were birds on their heads. His cheeks were full and full of flesh. This is said because besides human beings, the moon, sun, etc. He always smelt very fresh, clean and pleasant, and recommended that Muslims do the same. The pupil of his eye was black. After watching Shaykh Aslams classes, many of you asked us where you could purchase a Hilya Sharif for your own home. '100, The Holy Prophet (saas) liked kurta (long shirt) most.101, I came with a group from the tribe of Muzeenah to pay allegiance to Rasulullah (saas). His beard was thick and full. 05080486 in England. Upgrade to remove ads. Shamaa-il Tirmidhi, Islamic Book Service Publications, New Delhi, 2000, p. 158, 143. He did not reward evil with evil, rather, he would forgive and overlook. Hala ibn Abi Hala, ndoshta vdiq para vitit 610. In order to understand the message of Islam, it is first necessary to acquaint ourselves with the prophet of Islam. His eyelashes were long.74, His forehead was wide and the place between his eyebrows was bright like pure silver and eyes were black tinged with reddish hue. His hair reached his ear lobes.86. He did not speak without cause. He did not speak without cause. White and bright. (Hind bin Abi Hala), Eyes: Files are available under licenses specified on their description page. Tirmidhi, Shamail-e-Tirmizi, Kitab Bhavan Publication, New Delhi, 1997, p.47. If his hair became parted naturally in the middle he left it so, otherwise he did not habitually make an effort to part his hair in the middle. Hind ibn Abi Hala,(brother) Hind ibn Abi Hala,(sister) Hala Ibn Abi Hala,(brother). We will find that within our homes, we have Gardens of Paradise. He would not speak unnecessarily. The Hilya Sharifis a calligraphic arrangement that originated in Ottoman times. He also abandoned three things in respect of other people: he did not censure anyone, he did not scold them, nor try to find out their faults. One story on the subject is from Ata ibn Yassar (ra): The Messenger of Allah was in the mosque, when a man with unkempt hair and an untidy beard came in. Once he finished they would speak. Allah ta'ala fashioned His Prophets to be morally and phsyically sound or kamaal. Anyone who came in close contact with him, and knew his excellent character was smitten with the love of his excellent attributes. 67. He was cautious about people and on his guard against them, but he did that without averting his face from them or being discourteous. He is well served and attended, who is neither a scowler nor a prattler. Allah favored the Prophet Muhammad (saas) over all beings, and declared him to be the Final Seal of the Prophets. (Surat al-Ahzab: 40) No prophet would be sent after him, and the Quran would be the last revelation to guide people onto the true way. All rights reserved. Maulana Muhammad Manzoor Nomani, Maariful Hadith, (Meaning and Message of the Traditions), Darul Ishaat Publications, Karachi,Volume III, p. 505, 145. This could be correct. '107, Rasulullah (saas) had a ring made of silver and its (inlaid) gem was also of silver.108.

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