stop disasters game earthquake 15 key facts

News Crime and Public Safety Crashes and Disasters News News Based on facts, either observed and verified directly by the reporter, or reported and verified from knowledgeable sources. Volcano facts. In November 2018, Alaska suffered a 7.0 magnitude earthquake that shook Anchorage to the core. Try to protect your head and torso. An interactive can give kids information about a topic in a richly visual way with some light interactions. Chapter 17 impacts of natural disasters unisdr stop disaster stop disasters 2 playerthree social awareness the stop disasters. After an earthquake, you might not have access to water, food, electricity, or other necessities for up to a week. earthquake. The location where an earthquake begins is called the epicenter. 2. The surface of the earth, called the "crust," is not one solid piece. Getting Ready for a Tornado. Photo credit: William James. Occurring in 1960, it had a magnitude of 9.5. [2] Tornadoes can accompany tropical storms and hurricanes once on land. 10 Halifax Ship ExplosionDecember 6, 1917. Pros: This game's high entertainment value is matched with great learning potential. 171. 3 hours ago 4.3 magnitude, 532 km depth. An earthquake (also known as a quake, tremor or temblor) is the shaking of the surface of the Earth resulting from a sudden release of energy in the Earth's lithosphere that creates seismic waves.Earthquakes can range in intensity, from those that are so weak that they cannot be felt, to those violent enough to propel objects and people into the air and wreak destruction across entire cities. Talk to a grown-up about your feelings. Credit: Public Domain. Store enough water, food, and other basic items to meet your needs for at least 72 hours. Fun Facts about Calgary, Alberta. Summary of dialogue process: 'Stop Disasters' is a computer game and education tool, originally aimed at school children but adopted by communities world-wide to promote education and awareness of natural disasters and explain how community vulnerability can be reduced and resilience increased. [1] Learn what actions you can take to prepare for an earthquake and what you can do to help keep yourself and your loved ones safe during and after an earthquake. Overall, it's a respectable effort to combine education with casual game play, but it could stand a little more attention to detail, in order to achieve this goal. Signs that a tornado may be approaching include. Move as little as possible - most injuries during earthquakes occur because of people moving around, falling and suffering sprains, fractures and head injuries. Wildfire is a general term which includes forest fires, grassland fires, bushfires, brush fires, and any other vegetation fire in countryside areas. Preparation, planning, and practice are key to surviving an earthquake. Earthquakes can cause fires, tsunamis, landslides or avalanches. The small amount of drama that does play out is difficult to track, due to the scrolling issue. IMPACT OF THE 12 JANUARY 2010 EARTHQUAKE. 2) The winds of a tornado can reach speeds of up to 480km per hour - that's strong enough to peel the roofs off houses, uproot trees and hurl heavy objects, such as cars, hundreds of metres! The earliest reported earthquake in California was felt in 1769 by the exploring expedition of . Aug 19, 2020. Usually found in a mountain, the opening allows gas, hot magma and ash to escape from beneath the Earth's crust. Stop Disasters 15 Key Facts. Help your family and other people around you. Build schools, hospitals, housing and defences to protect the local population. Creating a disaster supply kit will help you get through the aftermath of an earthquake. While sewage systems and power grids can be destroyed. Learn more. "It is important to protect the water towers located around the area." "You have a budget of $50,000 and around 25 minutes to work.") Each scenario provides 15 key facts -clues on how to accomplish the mission goal by keeping the most people alive/uninjured. The temblor killed thousands of people, destroyed rural villages, and severely . After 25 minutes the disaster occurs and tallies the number of dead and injured. Floods can damage bridges, roads and other transport links. Statistics have shown the rate of fatalities has gone down since the availing of these shelters. The Earthquake That Triggered The Tsunami Was The Fourth Largest Ever Recorded. This earthquake created the possibility . The government started the flow of supplies to the area on the day of the earthquake and mobilized approximately 130,000 - 140,000 People's Liberation Army soldiers and paramilitary police to the . If a sturdy table or desk is nearby, crawl . 1. These plates slowly move over a long period of time. After floodwaters recede, land can be contaminated with hazardous material, such as building debris, fuel and untreated sewage. (Strategy) A disaster simulation game from the UN/ISDR. The largest recorded earthquake in the United States was a magnitude 9.2 that struck Prince William Sound, Alaska on Good Friday, March 28, 1964 UTC. Seismic waves are produced when some form of energy stored in Earth's crust is suddenly released, usually when masses of rock straining against one another suddenly fracture and "slip." Earthquakes occur most often along geologic faults, narrow zones where rock masses move in . Earthquakes can cause devastation and loss of life when they strike, but earthquake-resistant buildings can stay standing and keep people safe. The 7.0-magnitude Haiti earthquake would be a strong, potentially destructive earthquake anywhere, but it is an unusually strong event for . Game by GameGuru The earthquake that struck Japan last March 11, 2011 was as massive as quakes could get, triggering tsunami waves of up to 10 meters high to wash over the already-devastated country. In many situations that means remembering three actions: drop, cover, and hold. A magnitude 7.8 earthquake struck Nepal on April 25, 2015, toppling multi-story buildings in Kathmandu, the capital, and creating landslides and avalanches in the Himalaya Mountains. In the next section Launch Game Learn of the risks posed by natural hazards and manage your resources. Earthquakes cause devastating destruction to buildings around the world. 300,000+ people were injured. $5.00. Teachers should give students a study question, written prompt or artifact to produce. The Chilean earthquake of April 2014 opened fissures that could lead to a magnitude 8.5 or larger earthquake in Chile. Click here! Earthquakes over 3.0 M within the last 24 hours. The most powerful earthquake ever recorded on Earth was in Valdivia, Chile. learned so much about disasters! Write an evaluation of the simulation that focuses on: On April 1, 2014, a magnitude 8.2 earthquake occurred 97 kilometers (60 mi.) Rotating funnel-shaped cloud. (1) Overview This option gives the player an overview, regarding the objectives and the conditions. Explore how technology can save lives in this fun engineering lesson plan! Tweet. Average: 2.51. The most common direct human causes of wildfire ignition include arson, discarded cigarettes, power-lines arcs, and sparks from equipment. Events that occur in unpopulated areas are not considered disasters. Hurricane Katrina, the tropical cyclone that struck the Gulf Coast in August 2005, was the third-strongest hurricane to hit the United States in its history at the time . 5. This big bang was the result of two ships, the Norwegian vessel SS Imo and the SS Mont Blanc, colliding in the harbor of Halifax, Nova Scotia. 2 hours ago 4.5 magnitude, 10 km depth. 2. Haiti earthquake caused by sliding of Earth's plates. Take shelter immediately during a tornado warning. In the U.S., losses average close to $8 billion a year . The damage is still very much felt and seen today. Know how to prepare for an earthquake and how to stay safe if one happens. See the fact file below for more information on the wildfire or alternatively, you can download our 23-page . A giant game of chicken caused one of the largest non-nuclear explosions in history. (2) Key Facts Throughout the game, there is the possibility to unlock up to 15 message boxes. Drop: Get down on your hands and knees to protect yourself from being knocked over. The severity of a disaster is measured in lives lost, economic loss, and the ability of the population to rebuild. Be a helper! Earthquakes usually occur on the edges of large sections of the Earth's crust called tectonic plates. Staying Safe Indoors. Map of the earthquake that struck Nepal and the surrounding region on April 25, 2015. Haiti has been impacted by other natural disasters in recent years. has multiple options and resources to choose from but here are student instructions for a sample lesson about flood risk. On May 12 a magnitude-7.3 aftershock struck some 76 km (47 miles) east-northeast of Kathmandu, killing more than 100 people and injuring nearly 1,900. Social awareness the stop disasters disaster risk management an earthquake tsunami fast facts cnn. Explore how technology can save lives in this fun engineering lesson plan! Stop disasters 2 playerthree facing challenge of natural disasters in lac digital enement methods for earthquake and fire preparedness a review springerlink 15 groundbreaking earthquake facts Turkey Flood Disaster 2018 Disasters Are Gone After The Defeat Of Great Lord Serpent Case Study 16 Unisdr Stop Disaster Puter About Reducing The Risks Of Natural Disasters. Working hand in hand with the 2030 Agenda, the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 is the roadmap for how we make our communities safer and more resilient to disasters. The Famous Eruption of Mount Vesuvius, in 79 AD, the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake, the 1931 Central China Floods, the Hindenburg, all of these are among the most disastrous events ever recorded in human history. These warm, damp winds come from the Rocky Mountains and cause somewhat of a "blanket" over Calgary, increasing temperatures by up to 15C!The clouds literally look like a blanket covering the city and it's quite incredible to see temperatures swing so greatly in the winters. An earthquake is a sudden, rapid shaking of the ground caused by the shifting of rocks deep underneath the earth's surface. Stop Disasters Experiment With Elementary S In Rio De Janeiro Building Safety Culture. COVER your head and neck with one arm and hand. A tornado is as a rotating, funnel-shaped cloud that extends from a thunderstorm to the ground with whirling winds that can reach 300 mph. Bottom Line: Few other browser-based sims better illustrate the potential of gaming for learning about serious issues in our world. The document is structured as follows. It is important in earthquake prone countries such as Japan to build houses and buildings that react well to earthquakes. Put simply, a volcano is an opening in the Earth's surface. Choose a language and a scenario (tsunami, hurricane, wildfire, earthquake, or flood). The player assumes the role of a contractor in charge of improving the area's response to specific natural disasters. Protect yourself from an earthquake. In most situations, if you feel shaking or get an earthquake alert, immediately: DROP where you are, onto your hands and knees. If you live in a coastal area, you may actually feel the earthquakes that cause the waves. Prepare for An Earthquake or Tsunami in the Stop Disasters! Earthquakes can cause devastation and loss of life when they strike, but earthquake-resistant buildings can stay standing and keep people safe. Teachers should give students a study question, written prompt or artifact to produce. A tornado warning is issued when a tornado is sighted or indicated by weather radar. Floods cause more than $40 billion in damage worldwide annually, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Also this is the only way to see the whole map. Key publications. And of course, learning about tornado survival tips! While they can happen anywhere without warning, areas at higher risk for earthquakes include Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon, Puerto Rico, Washington . Game Information Disasters are dangerous and take hundreds of lifes. Sarah Pruitt. es of natural disasters earthquakes, tornadoes, and hurricanes and acts of terrorism unleashed against densely populated centers highlighted the role of firefighters in first response. earthquake, any sudden shaking of the ground caused by the passage of seismic waves through Earth's rocks. DROP, COVER and HOLD ON! This position protects you from being knocked down and reduces your chances of being hit by falling or flying objects. INFORMATION The Power of Knowledge Lessons Save Lives An Inconvenient Truth [16], [17], [18]. Stop Disasters! Check out our ten top facts about tornadoes 1) Tornadoes - also known as "twisters" - are violently rotating columns of air that reach from a storm cloud to the earth's surface. The most secure way to get through a tornado unscathed is by setting up a storm shelter. In this project, your students will build model earthquake-resistant buildings and measure their movement during a simulated . The specic goal of the study is to look for clues on the impact of the game both in terms of the awareness it can actually create and the means to achieve it from the player's perspective (e.g. PDF. Your device does not support WebGL, which is required for this game to run. The Fukushima nuclear disaster was a 2011 nuclear accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in kuma, Fukushima, Japan.The proximate cause of the nuclear disaster was the 2011 Thoku earthquake and tsunami natural disaster that occurred on 11th of March 2011 and was the most powerful earthquake ever recorded in Japan which triggered powerful tsunami waves that may have reached . 1 hour ago 3.5 magnitude, 5 km depth. Dry weather and drought convert green vegetation into bone-dry, flammable fuel; strong winds spread fire quickly over land; and warm temperatures encourage combustion. Learn more. This photograph shows the San Andreas Fault, a 750-mile-long fault in California. Keep the kit in a place where you spend most of your . enjoyment, pressure, value). In this simulation you choose from five different disasters and use defences and upgrades to protect the people and minimize damage. Just 90 minutes after the main shock, Premier Wen Jiabao flew to the disaster zone to oversee the rescue work. These resources serve to prepare IHEs for a variety of natural disasters, including winter storms, floods, tornados, hurricanes, wildfires, earthquakes, or any combination thereof. An earthquake's most intense .